The school uses The Pathways for Write curriculum that ensures clear progression across the school and provides a structured, cumulative approach to the teaching of writing.
The scheme allows our pupils to develop expertise in the key pillars of English progression and focuses on building a secure foundation in transcriptional skills, such as handwriting, spelling, and punctuation, while also developing pupils' compositional abilities, including their understanding of genre, form, and language choices. This approach ensures that our pupils can express their ideas clearly and effectively, both in writing and through spoken language.
Furthermore, the Pathways to Write curriculum is designed to enable pupils to make meaningful connections between the knowledge they gain across the broader curriculum and their writing. This helps to develop their understanding of the world, broaden their vocabulary, and enhance their ability to write for a range of purposes and audiences. By ensuring that all pupils, including those with SEND, have access to a high-quality, progressive writing curriculum, we can support them in making strong progress and achieving their full potential.
We aim to deliver engaging, purposeful lessons which allow the children to express themselves clearly in a range of written styles and genres. We believe that the learning of writing skills should be embedded across the curriculum.
In addition to writing composition in English lessons, children also are provided with explicit spelling lessons (using the No Nonsense Spelling programme) and handwriting lessons (using Letterjoin handwriting resources). Information about those can be found using the links below.
Click here for our English policy and Handbook