Welcome to Sunstones class!

Mrs Earnshaw
F1 Teacher
Hello, my name is Mrs Earnshaw and I am your new class teacher. I excited to get to know you and begin our learning journey together and watching you flourish and grow!
I love reading and sharing stories, together with acting out different stories too. I also enjoy being creative and exploring outdoors.

Mrs Swan
F1 Teaching Assistant
Hello, my name is Mrs Swan and I excited to help you learn and grow this year.
Class information
FS1 Morning Session Times: 08.30 am to 11.15 am -11.30 am (Door closes at 08.45 am)
FS1 Afternoon Session Times: 12.00 noon to 2.45 pm - 3.00 pm (Door closes at 12.15 pm)
However, if you qualify for 30 hours funding your child will attend every day and these sessions will be 8.30 - to 2.45 pm - 3.00 pm. If you do not qualify, we do paid sessions which is charged £12 per day and these will be pre-book. However, we only have limited places.
For children staying for lunch (30 hour funded only), they will be accompanied in the classroom between the hours of 11.30 am – 12.00 noon. Children are required to bring a home-made healthy packed lunch.
30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
For Nursery, the children will need to bring a bag with a spare change of clothes, a water bottle and outdoor clothing such as a waterproof coat and a pair of wellington boots.
‘A book at bedtime’ - As a school we promote a ‘Love for Reading’ as there are many benefits to your child’s communication and language development. To take part in this, children are required a book bag (which can be purchased from reception). This is to be brought to their session and the children can choose a book to share at home, once finished it can be brought back and changed.
‘Ben Bear Adventures’ - On a Friday Ben Bear will choose a child to go home with for the weekend, before being returned on a Monday to share his diary with the class.
Phonics in Nursery
In Nursery, children enjoy learning Nursery Rhymes and Voice Play songs. Rhymes sensitise a child to the individual units of sound that make up a word. The rhythms present in Nursery Rhymes help children to remember the words, exercising their auditory memory skills.
To develop children’s listening and communication skills. including their vocabulary, to prepare them for reading and writing in the next phase/level, we undertake a range of activities such as Listening Lola and Dough Disco.
If children do not fully develop these skills it can mean that they may struggle to hear the individual sounds in words which can mean children find it much harder to spell and blend sounds for reading.
During Level 1 children will develop their listening and communication skills through 7 aspects:
Environmental sounds
Instrumental sounds
Body percussion
Rhythm and rhyme
Voice sounds
Oral blending and segmenting
In the Autumn term 2 , the children will begin the school’s Phonics scheme Little Wandle Letters and Sounds in-line with the rest of the school. Children will begin to develop their Grapheme- Phoneme Correspondence awareness.
Useful information
What to expect
Development Matters