Dojo Rewards
Dojo points are awarded to children for following our three golden rules; ready, respectful and safe.
We also award dojo points for reading at home and completing homework.
Children can also receive 2 bonus Head Teacher dojos for going above and beyond.
We celebrate each class's dojo achievements. Each pupil's individual dojo points go towards the class total and each class has a target to reach in order to win a special treat. Individual success is important, but collaborative goals and aspirations develop the #TeamWV ethos that we are proud of.
Children are currently building their dojo points in each class for their Christmas party celebrations, party goodies and special treats.
Individual dojo points can be saved up or spent. Here is a list of prizes that children can spend their points on.
We also use dojo as our main form of communication with parents.

Fun outdoors

Dojo team reward - an afternoon youth club in the hall.