Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Mrs Jones
Miss Frame
Autism Specialist
Miss Booth
SEMH Specialist
The SEND Code of Practice aims to integrate provision across education, health and care and spans birth to 25 years of age. Intervention for young people should be made at the earliest possible point in a young person’s life and they and their parents should be fully involved in decisions regarding their support and outcomes.
“Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, even where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff” DfE 2014
Provision for SEND at Wath Victoria Primary School
Everyone at Wath Victoria Primary School is committed to, and passionate about, providing the conditions and opportunities to enable any child, including those with additional needs, to be included fully in all aspects of school life and achieve their potential as a person and as a learner. We believe in the earliest possible intervention to support the children. This can take a number of forms.
Initially, Quality First Teaching ensures that pupils have access to effectively planned and differentiated teaching for all children.
Beyond this, a graduated response is at the heart of whole school practice as we continually assess, plan, implement and review our approach to teaching all children. Where a potential special educational need has been identified, this process becomes increasingly personalised and responds over time to a growing understanding of the child’s or young person’s barriers to, and gaps in learning. An increasingly individualised assessment of need enables schools to continually reflect on its approaches to meeting a child’s needs.
If a child’s teacher feels that intervention would support a child's progress, they will contact you as we believe that working in partnership with families gives each child the greatest chance of success.
Intervention might include number of school staff who are trained and specialists in a wide range of programmes:
· The class teaching assistant
· The class teacher
· A learning mentor
· The student welfare manager
· The speech and language team
· Early help
· A health or educational professional outside school
If you feel that your child is struggling at school in any way, or you are worried that they may have an additional need please talk to us we will do all we can to help.
The member of staff with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Jones (SENDCo)
All information on the Rotherham SEND Local Offer can be found here.

Click on the relevant link to view our SEND policy, Code of Practice or Information Report.