At Wath Victoria we believe that children have an entitlement to high quality and well-planned reading provision.
We provide a reading rich environment throughout school. Children in all classes enjoy novels read by the class teacher, participate in guided reading sessions, whole class shared reading, individual reading and reading across other areas of the curriculum. This gives the children the opportunity to develop prosody and extend their vocabulary, whilst learning a variety of other reading skills. Rigorous planning for reading enables children to develop and enhance comprehension skills. Carefully matched decodable phonics books are used for guided reading with children who are accessing phonics lessons.
Attainment in reading is regularly assessed by measuring progress towards Early Learning Goals in EYFS and using NFER assesments from Year 1 upwards. Frequent assessment for learning by teachers also ensures additional support can be given where needed.
Home reading opportunities are enhanced by providing all children accessing phonics with an e-books login for Collins Big Cat resources. These books match their phonics lessons and give the children the chance to read fluently and with prosody at home. Children who have completed their phonics programme are provided with a reading book to take home which matches their reading ability.
Children use the accelerated reader program to show an understanding of what they have read in their reading for pleasure time and gain words towards their word count for school rewards. The children also take a termly tests to gain a reading age score.
Click here for our English policy and Handbook
See information on our reading teaching here.
Information for parents.
​​Reading is a key skill to continue to develop throughout the early and primary years. The resources below will help you as parents to support reading with your children to continue to build and embed their reading skills. We hope they help.
This poster has top tips for creating a reading environment at home for all ages.
Reading aloud to the youngest children is a brilliant way of helping them to improve their own reading skills. Here are some top tips for early years and key stage 1 parents.
10 Top story times for EYFS and KS1 children suggests some great stories you could access to buy online or look out for in the supermarket.
This has 7 top tips for helping children to read suitable for Y1-Y6.
This comic strip gives ideas for talking about books with children.
For further information, please click on the icons below: