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Welcome to Topaz class!

Hi, welcome to Topaz class!


In Topaz, we love to learn and challenge ourselves.

We particularly love to read and have lots of budding authors in our class who have already started writing and illustrating their own stories for their friends! Our favourite book that we have read together this year has been Harry Potter. We loved hosting our very own Harry Potter day where we dressed up as witches and wizards and completed lessons such as wand-making, potions, magical creatures and quidditch.


In all of our lessons, we work incredibly hard to produce outstanding work. We love publishing our work to create beautiful displays that show off all that we have learnt before adding our own beautiful artwork too.


We loved our class trip to Magna where we investigated solids, liquids and gases and loved seeing all of the steel-making equipment that linked in perfectly to our learning all about the Hadfield Steelworks and our class book Meet Me by the Steelmen.

Topaz P.E. lessons are on Thursdays and Fridays. Children should come in P.E. kit and appropriate footwear. We love to see and hear about learning at home, especially practising our times tables and helping our class to win the latest TTR battle.


Mrs Nutley

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