Welcome to Opal Class

Mr Parker & Miss Wassell
Greetings from Opal class! This year, Mr Parker and Miss Wassell are working in Opal class and we love teaching year 5/6.
Our P.E day is on Monday and Friday. Please come in your kit and wear appropriate shoes.
Homework will be uploaded onto dojo portfolio on Fridays and should be completed by Wednesday the following week.
As well as completing your homework each week, you should also aim to read at least three times a week.
We are really excited about our amazing learning this year and can’t wait to dive in and produce some wonderful work. We love giving children the opportunity to produce work that encourages them to use their own flair and creativity ( with plenty of coloured biros). We always aim for the highest standard of writing and like to use art to support the presentation of this. The classroom always starts off bare as we love seeing the boards fill with children's work rather than printed off posters. We are looking forward to this year greatly; transition left us realising how lucky we are to have a wonderful class.