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Welcome to Onyx Class

Hello from Onyx Class. Here is some information all about us! Working in Onyx this year is Miss Ellor and Miss Shaw.


We are really excited about our amazing learning this year! In class Onyx every child will follow the school expectations of Ready, Respectful, Safe and we want every child in Onyx to soar in aspiration, show kindness that shines and everyone to belong. Some of the children’s favourite lessons in Onyx are Maths, Reading, Science, Art and PE. The Year 4 children are very excited about swimming lessons.


In Onyx we really love to be creative, problem solve and communicate our thoughts to be able to produce our best work. We are really looking forward to learning about Light and Sound in Block two for science.


In Onyx we are really good at listening to instructions and working in groups as we take pride to support our peers. We know that if we believe in ourselves and inspire each other, then we will be successful learners.


Our PE days are on Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoons and we will be looking at Games, Dance, Gymnastics and Athletics throughout the year.   

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