Mental Health and Well-being

We encourage our pupils and adults in school to look after their physical, social, emotional and mental health. Research shows that resilience and strength in these areas directly impacts on academic progress and attainment, and that children who are able to express their emotions and seek help when things are tough are able to take these skills into their adult lives.
Adult and pupil well-being at Wath Victoria is integrated into all aspects of school life and we are proud to have achieved the Carnegie Centre for Mental Health's Bronze school award for our commitment to putting mental health and well-being at the heart of what we do, and who we are.
We are now working hard to achieve the Silver Standard Award.
Our mental health and well-being policy can be viewed by clicking on the link below. You can also see how we weave this through our whole school provision on the mental health and well-being offer link below.

We have been awarded the Gold Rotherham Antibullying Award for our conflict resolution work. We have a team of peer buddies who are on duty at playtimes to support other children and we work closely with the Anti-Bullying Company to train both staff and pupils in how to combat all aspects of bullying in and out of school.
We know that being happy in school and having positive relationships with others is the key to good mental health and well-being.
Much of our work in developing our approach to mental health and well-being has been rooted in the work of trauma-informed practice and restorative approaches to behaviour management. We have worked closely with Positive Regard Teaching School and staff have undergone training in trauma-informed approaches through Trauma Informed Schools UK.

We were delighted to be awarded our bronze and silver healthy school's awards and in October 2020 we were awarded the Gold Healthy Schools Award - certificate to be awarded soon. This is a reflection of the importance that we attach to health and well-being in school.