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Integrated Autism Resource

Information about The ARC.jpg

Wath Victoria Primary School opened the ‘ARC’ in September 2021 and we moved to our current premises on site in September 2023. The ARC is an Integrated Resource (IR) for autism, for pupils aged from Foundation 2 to Year 6.

Our wonderful facilities, spaces and places in the IR allow us to provide bespoke educational provision for pupils who have an Education and Health Care Plan, have a diagnosis of autism and who are capable of accessing aspects of a mainstream academic curriculum. All of our IR children are members of one of our mainstream classes and access the spaces in the ARC at different points during the day, depending on their needs.

Admission to the Integrated Resource at Wath Victoria Primary School is agreed through consultation with the school and James Montgomery Academy Trust, through Rotherham Local Authority’s EHCP team and the Panel who meet to agree school placements.

Staff working at Wath Victoria Primary School have completed the Autism Education Trust Good Autism Practice training and are Team Teach certified. We use Unconditional Positive Regard and Trauma Informed approaches. Our staff in school and in the IR have a wealth and breadth of experiences in supporting children with additional needs.

The Arc Leadership Team

N Jones_edited.png

Miss Frame

 Integrated Resource Lead


Miss Frame

Operation Leader Integrated Resource

Our Key Stage 2 children, depending on their needs, spend most of their mornings in class with their peers, taking part in their core subjects such as maths, reading and writing. They have additional support where needed. They also have a bespoke programme of interventions in the afternoons. These are chosen from: The Big A, Theory of Mind, Self-Esteem Building, Friendship Skills, Social Interactions, Theraplay, Team Building with Lego, Life Skills (such as baking, gardening, budgeting, preparing meals etc) and 1:1 therapies.

Our Early Years and Key Stage 1 children (Shining Stars) take part in lots of different activities to encourage effective communication and interaction. They have daily intensive interaction tasks and attention autism activities to take part in. They also do a wealth of activities, including some examples shown in the photographs. Our curriculum for these children reflects the Early Years curriculum in school and we use our own bespoke assessment framework to track and assess progress.
understanding the

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