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Information for Parents


For general enquiries, please contact Miss Bailey or Mrs Leeming on the 01709 760103. Alternatively, you can email the school at and someone will be in touch.

For enquiries about nursery or pre-school places, please call and ask to speak to Mrs Burgin.

New Instagram Privacy and Safety Checklist from the UK Safer Internet Centre: 

Our School Day

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6)

Children are collected from the playground at 8.30am by their class teacher. The doors will close at 8.40am.

School finishes at 3.00pm for KS2.

F2 and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2)

Children are collected from their classroom doors at 8.30am by their class teacher. The doors will close at 8.40am.

School finishes at 3.00pm for F2 and KS1.

Pre-school sessions

8.30am-11.30am - morning session for F1 and Sunbeams

12.00-3.00pm - afternoon session for F1 and Sunbeams.

Friday is our popular Hall of Fame assembly where we celebrate in-school and out-of-school achievements. Personal invites will be sent via Dojo if your child has an award.

Breakfast and After School Club

Our Breakfast Club is organised and run by school staff who know our pupils well. It is open every day and can be attended by all children from F1 upwards.

The club is available from 7:45am to 8:30am at a cost of £2.50 per session. 

Payment for breakfast club must be made on the school money system as we are a cashless school. If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium funding, and you would like them to access breakfast club, please speak to the school office.

We supply bagels, cereal, milk  and juice.

Breakfast Club provides a warm, welcoming start to the school day where children of all ages are able to socialise together. We find that strong relationships are built between the older and younger children who spend time together in breakfast club and the presence of learning mentors and learning support staff help children to make smooth transitions from breakfast club into morning learning.

We have a wide range of After School Clubs which include sports activities, crafts, cooking, music based clubs and ICT sessions. They are led by school staff or specialists in their fields e.g. musicians, artists and sports coaches.


Each half-term we change the clubs so that children in different key stages can access a wide range of activities. The school council and parents' survey highlighted that a wider range of clubs would be beneficial. As a result of this feedback, we now offer an extensive after school clubs offer every week.

Click here for the clubs available this half term. 

For safeguarding reasons, children must be collected from clubs by an adult from the main school reception, or permission must be given for children to walk home alone, before the club starts.

School Meals

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School Uniform

We expect all children to wear our uniform every day. Uniform is worn by all pupils from F1 to Y6.

Uniform 2024.JPG

School Uniform Policy

Buy Uniform Online


ECO4 FLEX is a retrofit scheme overseen by Rotherham Council Metropolitan Borough. It aims to improve the energy efficiency of low income and vulnerable households.

You may be eligible if:

·       Your gross household income of less than £31,000.


·       You meet at least two of the several proxies listed online. (One is free school meals)


·       Can obtain an NHS referral due to long term illness that could be affected by a cold home.


Only properties with a home EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) of band D or lower can qualify for this scheme (E or lower for private rentals).

Click on the flyer to view it full size.

ECO4-FLEX - Flyer A5 1pp 2024.jpg

Help for Families from External Agencies

Below we have a selection of external agencies who can provide support for a wide range of needs. Each logo has a link to their respective websites which will provide information and support for each charity/service.

Apna Haq
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