Foundation Subjects and our Thematic Curriculum

The Foundation Subjects include Design Technology, Computing, PE, Art, History, Geography, Music, RE, PHSE and MFL (French in KS2). We aim to promote curiosity about the world whilst teaching key subject knowledge objectives and subject specific skills which help children to experience success in each subject. Across many subjects, the children learn skills which will prepare them for a technology-rich future.
Throughout the curriculum, we teach our children to think independently, as well as developing teamwork skills such as co-operation and negotiation.
Our thematic curriculum incorporates History, Geography, DT and Art across a two year plan in each key stage (KS1, LKS2 and UKS2). Each year is divided into 4 blocks of learning. Subject knowledge and skills build on the previous year's learning to deepen understanding.
Children are prepared for KS1 by following the EYFS curriculum (statutory from September 2021). Please visit each class page to see their plans for the year and their current learning block information.
Our KS1 and KS2 curriculum map can be found here.
Subject progression maps can be viewed by clicking below:
One Page Profiles
Music, RE, PSHE, Computing and MFL (Spanish) are taught as discrete subjects.
We use the Jigsaw PSHE curriculum which supports a mindfulness approach to PSHE from F2 to Y6. All children have a weekly lesson. The curriculum covers all the statutory requirements of the 2021 RSHE curriculum.
We follow the Rotherham LA agreed RE syllabus.
We use the Charanga Primary Music School programme to deliver music lessons across all year groups. Children learn to play tuned instruments across school. In KS1 this is xylophones, in LKS2 recorders and UKS2 specialist music hub teachers visit to teach ukelele and drumming. We have a monthly whole school focus on a composer and their works, which are discussed and played in assemblies, and their music streamed in the lunch hall for children to experience and enjoy.
See our music development plan here.
For our computing curriculum we use Teach Computing which covers the range of skills pupils need to learn in KS1 and KS2.
Please click here for more information about how Spanish is taught in school.
Map of Spain
Map of countries where Spanish is spoken