Welcome to Wath Victoria Primary School
Wath Victoria is a 1.5 form entry primary school situated in Wath Upon Dearne, Rotherham.
We are a 2-11 school, with provision for 2 and 3 year olds on site. Our grounds are extensive, including a range of outdoor learning opportunities and spaces to support mental health and wellbeing.
Our classrooms are spacious and inspiring and we have a dedicated ICT suite in which our children have weekly computing lessons and also access personalised vocabulary teaching through the Bedrock software platform. We are very fortunate to have an experienced sports coach who delivers PE, daily fitness sessions in school along with extra-curricular sports clubs and holiday clubs. We are exceptionally proud to have been awarded the Platinum School Games Award.
We have our specialist additional integrated Autism resource (The ARC). We aim to work closely with the families of children with an Autism diagnosis and an EHCP, who meet the criteria for a mainstream educational experience, to integrate fully into our school community. Entry to this resource is through the EHCP application, or review process, via Rotherham LA.
Spend some time looking at our website to find out more about our school.
Our learning experiences at Wath Victoria Primary School are designed to help our students to grow, both inside and outside of the classroom; fostering knowledge, aspiration and self-belief in all pupils. Founded in 1887, Wath Victoria Primary School is located in Wath upon Dearne, Rotherham and reflects the vibrant energy of the area. If you would like to know more about our school, you are very welcome to come and visit. The children of Victoria very much enjoy talking about, and sharing their achievements and successes.
Our School Vision: At Wath Victoria Aspirations Soar, Kindness Shines, and Everyone Belongs
Our School Aims

The school staff team and the governing body have worked together to agree the following school aims
To continue to raise attainment and accelerate the progress of all groups of children in school.
To help children acquire knowledge, skills, understanding and a love of learning within and beyond the framework of the National Curriculum.
To support all children, and their families, to achieve their full potential in a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment.
To encourage our children to be proud of their achievements, develop a sense of belonging and become resilient, independent and creative learners who are confident to ask challenging questions.
To create a community where we are all learners together, sharing ideas, innovations and best practice, as we strive for excellence.
We are a research informed and a research engaged learning community. We aim to use the most up to date research to inform our practice and help our school to continually improve. We are currently using and applying research from cognitive science in teaching and learning, trauma-informed practices, maths mastery, explicit vocabulary teaching and EEF research into the teaching of writing, into our daily practices.
Our School Ethos and Values
We subscribe to the​ JMAT Trust Vision:
Our schools are child centred, inclusive and distinctive, delivering excellence in education, sharing best practice and building aspiration.’​
The underpinning core principles are: Together we will:
Consistently put children at the heart of decision making.
Champion school individuality.
Continually improve through innovative and research driven practice.
JMAT vision for excellent education
Deliver a rich, contextualized and ambitious curriculum
Beacons of high-quality inclusive practice
Provide a safe, happy and purposeful environment
Pupils are supported to achieve their aspirations and see themselves contributing positively to their local/global communities
Develop a reflective, knowledgeable and highly skilled workforce
Foster positive and productive partnerships